Capacity building

From September 2022 to May 2023 the SEED partnership – in collaboration with the Associate Partners and other European organisations committed to create National Competence Centers for Social Innovation – offers an online programme of Capacity Building.

The 8 sessions have the objective to cover topics and issues that may support the understanding and development of SI ecosystems and the implementation of SI initiatives.
The Online Series – delivered in English – are particularly addressed to EU Social Innovation stakeholders and policymakers and is open to anyone who wants to learn more on how Social Innovation can be applied to have an impact on policies and practices.

The Online Series are complemented by National Capacity Building programmes that each SEED Partner Country is planning to organise in the national languages for the stakeholders involved in the National Pilot Projects.

Thematic Areas

Co-design and co-production

SI business models and new forms of entrepreneurship

SI policy

SI monitoring and assessing

Financial support for SI

Digital SI