Public Sector Innovation. Dynamics and evolution of a complex ecosystem

In the last decades, we’ve often seen the adoption of private sector innovations in the public sector through collaborations and the establishment of public-private partnership to implement new products and services and solve complex problems. Many of these have succeeded, others not so well for different reasons. In the meantime, outside the bureaucratic radars, in our cities and neighbourhoods, a rich vein of experimentation with more collaborative forms of public engagement, is aimed at allowing people outside and inside of government to work together in designing policy. These collaborative governance models have been effective in shifting power and building trust by enabling government officials and advocates to see each other as collaborators with unique capacities and perspectives that support the other’s interests and positions (SSIR). How did these grassroots innovations combine with formal PPP? Which organising models appear to be more promising in terms of inclusion and accountability? How shared administration models are evolving to answer new, complex socio-economic challenges? How can we evaluate effectively the impact of these new, hybrid models of public and private partnership?


First part:

Introduction – Fabio Sgaragli (facilitator)

PPP in the European scenario: approaches, practices and success factors- Filippo Montesi, General Secretary Social Impact Agenda per l’Italia

PPP: two case studies from Turin: WeCare e ToniteElisa Bacchetti, Deputy Operation Officer SocialFare

GOL programme: a new model of impact evaluation – Nicola Cabria, Chief Operating Officer Human Foundation

The role of cities in building and strengthening PPP – Fabrizio Barbiero, Head of EU Funds & Innovation Department, Municipality of Torino

Second part :

A panel discussion where the facilitator asks some questions on the topic to the speakers

Q&A – Discussion with participants

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