Author name: gianni.depasquale

FUSE Capacity Building

We are happy to share the Capacity Building and Learning Plan that our twin Consortium FUSE is launching on March, 25.A rich programme of workshops and talks ranging from impact management to open innovation, from social entrepreneurship to innovation in public policy, which is open to all interested participants with free registration.FUSE is a consortium …

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Train the Trainers Workshop

2-3 December 2021 The core activity of the SEED project is the creation of four national Competence Centers for Social Innovation in the partner Countries: Greece, Italy, Romania and Slovenia. The Competence Centers will be Country specific and respond to the needs and challenges of the respective local ecosystems, but they will be created through …

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SEED Second Transnational Partners Meeting

3-4 November 2021 – The second project plenary meeting is an occasion to discuss the advancement of some core activities such as the mapping of the ecosystem of Social Innovation stakeholders and the co-design of the national Competence Centers.

SEED Kick-off Meeting

10-11 June 2021 The 16 SEED project partners gather online for their first transnational meeting. It is the occasion to set up the work for the next two years leading to the creation of Competence Centers for Social Innovation in the 4 partner Countries: Greece, Italy, Romania and Slovenia.